Restoring confidence, one crown at a time!

Hello, I'm Sa'de. (Yeah, like the singer)!!

I've tussled with my hair for YEARS. My hair has suffered from breakage, split ends, stunted growth and thin edges due to stress, relaxers, lace fronts & wigs. I committed to being natural/relaxer free 11 years ago as a pledge to my daughter so that she'd grow to love her natural hair too. I dedicated several years of my time researching & testing natural ingredients that assist with the growth & retention of all hair types. Coincidentally, 7:14 Organics (an all natural & organic hair care line) was created to assist with our hair growth journey. The company is named in honor of my daughter, Zaya'.

Encouragement is my specialty. I want to help restore the confidence of your crown too.

My Personal Favorites
  • What is Chebe Powder?

    Chebe Powder is a natural hair powder used by the Basara Tribe of Chad, Africa. It's made of cherry seeds, lavender, resin tree sap & cloves. The consistent use of Chebe Powder promotes hydration & nourishment of the hair, resulting in less breakage and length retention.

  • What is Fenugreek?

    Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of iron & protein - two essential nutrients for hair growth. Fenugreek seeds have potassium that helps prevent premature greying of hair. Fenugreek seeds can increase hair thickness and growth.

  • What are Mint Leaves?

    Mint Leaves are rich in menthol which stimulates increased blood flow to the scalp & hair roots which promotes healthy hair follicles and longer, fuller hair. Mint Leaves also help in removing dandruff.